Friday, February 6, 2015

Deadbeat Mothers & Standup Guys

Today as I was reading through my Facebook news feed, I found a trending article of a father who decided to raise his child who was born with down syndrome. A truly remarkable act from a stand-up guy, even though I do not know him personally. He decided to raise his child and be there, however, with the threat of divorce from his seemingly uncaring spouse. I hear a lot of talk of deadbeat fathers, but feminazis never point out that mothers can be just as neglectful and selfish, i.e. the Casey Anthony trial is the biggest example of reverse-misogyny. Before I get too involved with this blog, let me reiterate that I'm not a misogynist and do not hate women, although my older posts and viewpoints have been questionable to many. I've never met my father, and my mother can only be describe as a selfish drug addicted narcissist, so the psychology of families is something I am rather interest in. Abandoning a child with a sickness, whether it be mental illness or down syndrome, something completely outside the child's control, is even sicker than any illness could allow. I personally take most individuals on an individual basis; it does matter what gender or race you are from, if you are selfish and uncaring chances are you are not a good friend. I've met meth addicts who are more morally upright than this mother, and I'm not even exaggerating (most of you know my personal struggles with addiction). I am not angry as much as I am once again disapointed with the disgusting nature of the human race.

I am the Antisocial Nihilist, thank you for reading my thoughts today.

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