Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Optimistic Nihilism and Pessimistic Nihilism

There seems to be two different types of nihilists commonly found in this world.

Optimistic nihilists are those that I describe to enjoy their life, even though they realize it is without meaning and purpose, but that doesn't seem to stop them from enjoying little pleasures and living freer than most, ironically better than those who waste their time trying to find the purpose of life, completely negating the whole point of "pursuit of happiness." I've been reading much of Anton LaVey's work throughout my life, and the whole concept of LaVeyan Satanism seems to be based on a similar ideal of optimistic nihilism.

Pessimistic nihilists are somewhat stereotypical, like The Joker from Batman who famously says he wants to watch the world burn. They drudge about life being miserable, hopeless, meaningless and seem to be severely depressed and angry, not to mention anxiety ridden and perhaps mentally ill as well. This type of nihilism can be considered dangerous to certain people, which is a very good reason to be cautious but not entirely fear a pessimistic nihilist.

Personally, I am a romantic nihilist and moral nihilist. I feel as if we live in a modern society that no longer values respect, romance or common decency. Sex, drugs, hedonism and greed seem to be the popular trends these days, not that I'm complaining, but I'm not overjoyed either.

In other news, I'm currently reading "The Satanic Witch" by Anton LaVey.
A fellow traveler traded me this book for some ganja.
I will write a full review when I'm finished with this book.

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